Day 7

Congrats Johnny!


Day 6

KEURIG-FAN1Congrats Perry, you just won a fancy new Keurig and gift card!

Fifteen whole days…

white+red-presentsThe fifteen days of Anytime has kicked off and I’ve seen a lot of smiling faces! Congrats to the following: Marvin won the TV at the Xmas party, Cody won the iPad mini, Tony won the GoPro 3+, Derrick won the tool set with a gift card and today’s winner is Jessica who won an iPad air!! What will you win?


First off, if you purchased a Anytime breast cancer awareness shirt… THANK YOU! Together we raised a total of $950 for a very important cause. Anytime has matched that that amount and we donated a total of $2000 to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation! Their mission statement says it all:

Our mission is to achieve prevention and a cure for breast cancer in our lifetime by providing critical funding for innovative clinical and translational research at leading medical centers worldwide, and increasing public awareness about good breast health. Currently, 91 cents of every dollar spent by BCRF is directed towards breast cancer research and awareness programs.

Again thank you all, be proud!



It’s cool Mr. Police officer, I’m sure there wouldn’t be any handicapped visitors anyway.

The Power of Pink!

IMG_0391October is Breast Cancer Awareness month (you may have noticed everyone in the NFL is wearing pink) and we are avid supporters. We have come up with a shirt design to help raise awareness and to raise money for a very important cause. The shirts will be on sale starting today 10/8/13. If you buy one shirt it’s $20 or buy two for $30. The amount will be deducted out of your paycheck. This is a great opportunity for us to give back to our community, if you’d like to buy one or more you can call, text or email me and I will get them to you as soon as I can!

Take a look at Jeff, he’s already rocking his!


Calendar Updates

The Calendar should be up to date now for time off. Please make sure that you are checking it periodically before requesting time off to see if any changes have occurred.

The first person to text me or call the office phone confirming you read this will get a t-shirt or hat.

Be safe out there